Junior Gen.

Leadership Program

Ages 7-10 (Grades 2-5)

kids leadership class toronto

Empowering our

Growing Leaders

The Junior Gen Taking Shape™ STAR leadership program is a youth leadership curriculum based on strong core character values and a servant leadership model approach.

Our STAR Leadership curriculum is designed on the 5 points of the star, representing the 5 core values of a successful leader; Trust, Serve, Love, Excellence and Growth. Each week students will work through Taking Shape’s mission is to grow young leaders Here, Near and Far. Here in our local communities, Near in our surrounding cities and Far in our world. Taking Shape’s ultimate vision is a global movement of STAR leaders all around the world who impact others through the practice of our leadership program.

“If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.” John Quincy Adams

Investing in our students & our community

For 25 weeks, students will interact, learn, evolve and grow towards becoming the leaders of tomorrow. With engaging lesson plans, fun co-operative group games and take home coaching exercises/reflections, students will form new friendships, expand their awareness, and begin to implement their leadership skills in everything they do!

Lead in partnership with Teen Coach Canada, Lee-Anne, a certified life coach & educators, brings years of experience in helping empower the leaders of tomorrow.

  • Kids aged 7-10 (Gr. 2-5) with a wish to grow their confidence, form deeper bonds with others, set goals, get outside their comfort zone and learn how to live with intention.

  • Term 1

    September 21st to December 14th, 2023

    Term 2

    February 1st to April 25, 2024

    Thursdays Weekly 4:45-5:30pm

    *No classes on Holiday Break & March Break. Refer to important dates calendar.

  • Term 1 (Sept-Dec) $244 + HST

    Term 2 (Feb-April) $225 + HST

    Total for both: $469 + HST